21-DAY FAST // Sunday, January 8 12:00am – Saturday, January 28 11:59pm
Each year, Grace North engages in a corporate, spiritual fast with personal flexibility so every participant will experience a release of power through God’s manifest presence in our midst.
The pastors and staff of Grace North participate in the Daniel fast. Please prayerfully consider joining us, but most importantly, ask God what He is asking you to fast. Consider also fasting social media, TV, and movies as it relates to your entertainment.
During this time, everyone will receive a daily communiqué to help us remain focused and unified. It will include scripture, a devotional, and a call to action.
No matter how young or old, everyone is encouraged to participate as Holy Spirit leads. Knowing that His presence will lead and guide us in 2017, we won’t seek specific solutions or blessings because we know these will come when we are in His presence. It is with this heart and paradigm that we are asking God to release His power in our midst with the following focus points.
- Revealing of God’s Heart for the Vision & Purposes of God in 2017
- The Manifestation of God’s Glory, Presence, Power, & Love in the Lives of Believers
- The Restoration of Health, Marriages, and Families
- The Renewal of Minds, Strength, and Commitment to God
- The Increase of Anointing, Faith, Favor, and Finances in the Lives of Believers.
- New Resources of Ministry Gifts and Finances
- The Release and Deliverance from Bondages of Sin
- Revival Fire Ignited in our Hearts
- Repentance-Cleansing of our Hearts
- Abide/Habitation by Preparing a Place for God to Dwell and Rest in our Midst
Why fast? To embrace a season of heightened consecration and focus on the Lord; to pursue God and His love.
I beseech you therefore; brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. -- Romans 12:1
Put your flesh where it belongs . . . under submission. One of the most powerful lessons you can learn during thefast is how to put your flesh in its rightful place, which is under the authority of God. Your flesh may throw a fit. It might try to sabotage you and tempt you to break the fast or change the guidelines to satisfy its desires. But we are called to walk in the Spirit and not by the flesh. You can work on your self-control muscles during the fast and realize that you don’t have to give in to the whims of your flesh. This is one of the most powerful lessons you can learn during your fast.
We believe that as we humble ourselves, pray, seek God’s face and turn from any wickedness, He will hear from heaven, and will forgive our sin and heal our land. Now, His eyes will be open and His ears will be attentive to the prayer made in this place, according to 2 Chronicles 7:14.
Benefits of Fasting
- Improves your ability to hear from God (Ezra 8:21)
- Builds you up spiritually (Matthew 4:2, 23 and 24)
- Lifts oppression and breaks demonic powers (Mark 9:29, Isaiah 58: 6-8)
- Leads you into a time of humility and repentance (Psalm 109:22-26)
- Causes health to spring forth speedily (Isaiah 58:8)
Corporate Fasting
Psalm 133:1-3 tells us that when we come together (corporately) in unity, there the Lord has commanded His blessing. Corporate prayer was practiced throughout the Bible. In Acts 13:1-3 as they ministered to the Lord and fasted corporately, the Holy Spirit gave specific directions.
In 2 Chronicles 20, Jehoshaphat, overwhelmed by an invasion, called the people to fast and pray. This corporate prayer and fasting resulted in Judah’s victory over their enemy – without a fight!
In Ezra 8:21-23, Ezra called a time of corporate prayer and fasting to seek God’s wisdom and protection. “Then I proclaimed a fast there, at the river of Ahava, that we might fast before our God to seek of Him a right way for us, and for our little ones,. . . so we fasted and entreated our God for this, and He answered our prayer.
Open your heart to the Lord, seek His will for your fast and submit yourself to Him. He will give the strength you need as you commit to Him and allow Him to direct your steps as you prepare.
Prepare yourself spiritually:
- Confess every sin that the Holy Spirit reveals and accept God’s forgiveness (I John 1:9)
- Forgive all you’ve offended, & forgive all who have hurt you (Mark 11:25; Luke 11:4; 17:3 and 4)
- Surrender fully to Christ as your Lord & Master; refuse to obey worldly nature (Romans 12:1,2)
- Begin your time of fasting and prayer with an expectant heart (Hebrews 11:6)
Perhaps there is a habit to break or a new discipline to embrace. Are there relationships that need healing? Start preparing your spirit now so when you begin your fast you are ready.
Prepare your soul:
- By clearing as many distractions as you can. Distractions can come in many forms including busyness, attitudes, fears and other emotions that are not consistent with God’s ways.
Prepare your body:
- Start tapering off caffeine (coffee, tea, soda, sugar, candy etc.) so that you are totally free of the substance when you begin your fast. For most people it takes about seven days to withdraw from caffeine. This step is essential if you want to avoid painful and debilitating withdrawal symptoms.
If you have health issues
- Be sure to follow the advice of your earthly physician as you pray to your Great Physician. Due to medical needs or special issues, you many need to modify the fast.
- Keep the core of the fast and make the slight adjustment. This is the same for pregnant or nursing mothers and for athletes who expend a lot of energy.
Get Support and Encouragement
Whether you are an adult, teen, or child a great way to have support and encouragement is through an accountability partner, with a family member or friend. Decide how often you will connect. Daily, 3 times a week etc…this will help you stay on track.
Family Altar Time-Daily
As a family, we must establish a family altar in our homes! Most families should already be doing this but if not, this will be a great time to start. Make this a fun and exciting time for your family. Decide as parents/family, when you will meet to discuss the daily scriptures. PRAY and seek the LORD together.
- Anthem Campus: Every Tuesday - 10am-12pm
- Prescott Campus: January 17 - 7pm
- Prescott Campus: January 12 - 10am-12pm