Love and Logic: Adults Supporting Youth With Challenging Pasts (Trauma-informed Care)

This class is ideal for adults caring for and/or supporting foster children, adopted children, and children who have experienced trauma.


Tuesdays, oct. 6 - nov. 10 @ Anthem Campus

Pastor Kimberly Baltzley, Advanced Trained Facilitator of Love and Logic Curricula

6:00 - 8:00 pm // Cost: $10 // NO Zoom option available

This class is ideal for:

  • Foster and adoptive parents

  • Educators

  • Social workers

  • Counselors

  • And others serving children and teens who’ve experienced trauma

Participants will learn powerful insights into:

  • How trauma affects the brain.

  • Why the intense and extremely upsetting behaviors seen in these kids represent attempts to self-protect and survive.

  • The science behind healthy attachment relationships and why such bonds form the foundation for emotional and neurological healing.

  • How to apply Love and Logic strategies so that adults can take good care of themselves while addressing root causes… not just symptoms.

  • Establishing healthy boundaries, avoiding destructive power struggles, overcoming defiance, and guiding these youth toward success.

  • Many more skills and concepts applicable to kids who need hope.

This class is designed to cut through the complexity of these very challenging topics and provide real solutions that can be applied immediately!

Module 1: Attachment Relationships are the Foundation
Module 2: Dealing with Defiance and Other Difficult Behavior
Module 3: Nothing Works Without Sincere Empathy
Module 4: Setting Limits While Minimizing Power Struggles
Module 5: Supporting Learning and Achievement at School
Module 6: Empowering Them Toward Success in Life