Our Vision
VISION: is "what we see." This is what we see in the people God sends our way. It is our sincere desire to see all people who come our way become... PEOPLE OF PURPOSE
Our Mission
MISSION: is how we plan to accomplish the vision. These thoughts are not mere corporate expressions, but spiritual strategies born in prayer. Mission is our way of life as we seek to...TRAIN, EQUIP, AUTHORIZE, AND MOBILIZE INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILY UNITS TO MARK HIS COURSE FOR LIFE.
Our Values
VALUES: is the non-negotiable operating system we adhere to. By no means could any person, congregation or leadership team be perfect enough to never fail, but it is with these strong values that the members and leaders of Grace North seek to interact with one another and with others.
INTEGRITY OF THE WORD: Living beyond reproach, or the entire ministry will be jeopardized.
EXCELLENCE OF EFFORT: Giving your highest effort in all that you do.
ACCOUNTABILITY TO OTHERS: Living responsibly through wise council and partnership within vital healthy christian relationships. Living with a teachable spirit. Balancing the concepts of accountability by connecting with others in the congregation with the mindset of a responsibility to both give and receive spiritual health to the relationships that are built.
RELEVANT TO THE TIMES: Willing to alter style and preference to reach the next generation(s) without compromising the Word of God. Addressing real problems in practical and effective ways.
COURAGE TO TAKE RISKS: Facing and conquering your fears. Believing God’s every promise in every circumstance. Taking risks in order to extend the kingdom.
CONSISTENT IN WHAT YOU SAY & DO: Doing what you promise. Being dependable people who help one another. Living the Christian life with regularity so that others may know Christ.